The dog breed that you choose for your canine companion speaks volumes about who you are as a person and what truly matters to you. A Labrador Retriever is one of the most sought-after dogs for a variety of reasons, and many people are eager to welcome them into the family fold. What does owning a Labrador Retriever say about you?
Owning a Labrador says that you are very family-oriented and lead an active lifestyle. Like your dog, you tend to be outgoing, friendly, and sociable. You are patient and consistent with your dog and in real life, while you remain adaptable to new situations. You may love water as much as your dog!
Learn more about what owning a Labrador says about you as a person in this detailed guide.
What Does Owning a Labrador Say About You?
Most people who enthusiastically choose to add a Lab to their family will share some of these common traits. After all, there is a reason why people select Labs out of the hundreds of available dog breeds in the shelters and from breeders around the world.
Here is what your canine choice may say about you.
1. Family-Oriented
First and foremost, Labradors are often selected because they are known to be great family pets. They are fun for the adults in the family, but they are equally loving to little ones and are often very enthusiastic playmates. These dogs tend to enjoy a lot of play time and are eager to spend a lot of time with their owners.
While they can sometimes be a little overly exuberant, it is all out of the goodness of their hearts.
If you choose to add a Labrador to the family, it may be a sign that you are equally family-oriented. You are thinking about the whole family rather than just your personal preferences when it comes to a dog. Chances are that you place a high value on the people you live with and spend the most time with.
2. Active Lifestyle
It is an unavoidable reality: Labradors require a lot of physical exercise to be happy and healthy in your home. These dogs are bred to work, namely when it comes to hunting and retrieving game for their owners. This requires them to do lots of running and burn off their excess energy.
When you bring one of these Labradors home, you are making a commitment to help them stay active, both physically and mentally. To stay happy and out of trouble, they need about an hour and a half of physical exercise per day. They absolutely adore physical activity.
This means that successful Labrador owners are more likely to lead an active lifestyle heavy on outdoor activities like walking, running, hiking, biking, swimming, and more.
3. Friendliness and Socialization
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of a Labrador Retriever? Friendliness is often the very top word that is used to describe this lovable breed. They are great at playing with other dogs, but they are equally fantastic at socializing with their humans.
While some introverts may still favor the fun-loving nature of their Labradors, most people who own these dogs tend to be very interested in meeting new people and making friends. Their dogs often pave the way for them to interact with new people at the dog park and anywhere else you may take your dog.
At the heart of the decision to get a Labrador is a desire for friendship and socialization.
4. Patience and Consistency
One of the greatest features of the Labrador is that they are extremely intelligent and trainable with the right tactics. For the most part, this means that you need to be as consistent as possible to prevent them from learning bad habits.
Especially in their younger years, you absolutely must work with them to teach appropriate behaviors that they will carry into adulthood.
Because this breed is so highly intelligent, you will have to stay one step ahead of them in training sessions. They certainly know how to test your patience, but most owners remain committed to their dogs. We recommend that you learn from the best, Dr. Ian Dunbar’s SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy, who created the first off leash puppy socialization and training classes.
This trait often carries over to other aspects of life as well. The patience and consistency you show in training your Labrador often translates to other parts of your life such as your friendship and even your professional commitments.
5. Adaptability
Are you worried that there might be big changes on the horizon for you or your family? Labradors are an ideal dog breed for those who rarely keep things the same. They are renowned for being extremely adaptable to changing conditions, whether this means shaking up the structure of your family or moving to a new town with a new climate.
Likewise, those who own Labradors tend to be more flexible than others. You often go with the flow and don’t stress too much about the details. Lab owners tend to take things as they come without too much planning for the future. They’re calm in most situations, even if it might ruffle the feathers of some other people.
You may have selected this dog breed because of their adaptability, knowing that you like to shake things up from time to time. A Labrador won’t hold you back from doing just that.

6. Love of Water
The Labrador was initially bred to be a natural swimmer, bringing back waterfowl for their hunting humans. With their webbed paws, these dogs are strong swimmers and absolutely adore going for a swim instead of taking yet another walk around the block.
If you have a Labrador in your life, chances are that you love the water too. After all, you will be spending a lot of time together at the beach, the lake, or the pool.
7. Loving and Loyal
Picture your dog when you come home from work at the end of a long day. For many Labs, it is a time of great joy. They may jump all over you and even lick your face to express sheer happiness at your arrival home. No one could ever say that their Labrador Retriever doesn’t love them enough.
Owning a Labrador might speak volumes when it comes to how you interact with the people in your life. You are likely to be extremely loving to the people in your inner circle.
This also breeds a sense of loyalty toward those who mean the most to you. Much like your dog would do just about anything in their power to make you happy, you will often go out of your way to show others your support in their life. Loyalty is a highly-valued trait among both the Labs and their owners.
8. People-Pleasing
While you might naturally have a bent toward loyalty and loving-kindness toward others, there is another attribute that should be considered: the desire to please everyone around you. Your Lab likely looks to you for guidance in any situation, but he will do just about anything to earn a treat, a belly rub, or a word of praise.
Are you similar to your Labrador Retriever in their desire for the affection and approval of others? Many Labrador owners find that they gravitate toward wanting to make others happy, sometimes even at their own expense.
You aren’t likely to be the leader in your relationships but rather are content to follow along and make the people you love happy. It might be hard for you to establish yourself as the leader in the relationship with your dog, but it is a necessary step to working with them.
9. Highly Intelligent
There’s a reason that many Labradors are used as working dogs in the field of police work, search and rescue, guide dog, and service dog work. They are extremely intelligent in addition to being a very active breed that thrives on the focused attention of their handler.
When it comes to training your Lab, you likely don’t have to work very hard to teach them a new trick or skill. Their brains move very fast, and they see connections that you might not even think about right away. This is how many dogs pick up bad habits that are consistently reinforced by their owners such as nuisance barking.
However, if you stick with it and are determined to train them right, you will often realize that you are highly intelligent as well. This is why you and your Lab likely get along so well: you are both thinking about how you can improve the relationship you share.
Final Thoughts: What Does Your Labrador Say About You?
Selecting the right dog breed often says a lot about who you are as a person and the things that you value in your life. Labradors are great family dogs because they are friendly, active, and highly adaptable. They may test your patience and require consistency from you, but you’ll love them just the same.
Think about what owning a Labrador might say about you, whether you own this breed right now or are thinking about adding one to the family!