Maybe you just welcomed your first Labrador Retriever home or you are tired of the behaviors that your dog engages in due to boredom. You need to know what kind of stimulating jobs you can do with your dog to keep them engaged and happy. Wear them out the right way with some of these games and jobs for Labrador Retrievers!
What Were Labrador Retrievers Bred to Do?
The Labrador Retriever was a breed that was initially bred for hunting work. Namely, this Canadian breed specialized in duck retrieval in the early years of its history. While many people still use the Labrador Retriever for this type of work, Englishmen expanded what the Retriever is known for into other types of game-hunting work.
They have excellent endurance and are capable of sniffing out game for long periods of time. This makes them the ideal companion for hunters who spend all day looking for game.
Because they are so good in the water and seem naturally inclined to love splashing around, some historical sources note that they were good dogs to keep fishermen company.
Read Also: What Does Owning a Labrador Retriever Say About You?
Do Labrador Retrievers Need a Job?
If you bring a Labrador Retriever home and do not plan on keeping it occupied, you might be very disappointed in the behaviors they display. Labs have the potential to be sweet, fun-loving family dogs. However, they are also bred to do some hard work for hours at a time.
This inherent energy can spell trouble if you do not give them a job to do.
This breed needs about an hour of moderate exercise per day. Some high-energy dogs may need a little bit more, so be sure to tailor it to your individual canine. A brisk walk could suffice for your Lab, but you may also want to give them a specific job to do. This exercises both their mind and body, resulting in a happy (and tired) dog.
Puppies will need less exercise, typically just five minutes per month of age. That means that you need to keep their walks or playtime short, giving plenty of breaks.
Benefits of Giving Your Labrador a Job
Labrador Retriever jobs are a great way to ensure that your dog gets the exercise they need to stay fit – both physically and mentally. These dogs were bred to serve a purpose and keeping them from fulfilling that purpose often results in boredom.
Boredom sets your dog up for lots of pesky behaviors that you wish they would not engage in. You may see more digging, nuisance barking, and especially chewing if you do not tap into their underutilized brain. Avoiding these is key to living a long, happy, and successful life with your Lab.
Plus, giving your labrador a job allows you to work closely with them to build up a bond. It is a great way to establish yourself as the “leader of the pack” and to create a close connection with your canine companion.
Supplying your dog with a structured environment when they can anticipate getting some work done is crucial to a successful relationship.
Looking for a good quality dog house for your Labrador Retriever? Read our blog: 8 Best Dog Houses for Labrador Retrievers in 2023
20 Jobs for Your Labrador Retriever
No matter where you are, here are some of the best jobs for Labradors to keep your pup happy and engaged with you.
Indoor Jobs and Activities
For those who have Labs but live in areas without access to a yard, you might need to find jobs for Labs that they can do around the house. Fortunately, there are tons of options once you get to thinking about what your specific dog loves to do.
Here are a few ideas you can implement without leaving the house:
- Toy Clean-up: Teach your dog to do something useful and make good use of their retrieval instincts. Labrador Retrievers can put away their toys for a treat, resulting in cleaner living areas while maximizing their busy brains. This is easier to do if you have already trained them to fetch and drop things on cue.
- Find It: Labrador Retrievers have a keen sense of smell and will love playing games to track down hidden objects. Teach them the name of your objects and then hide them, starting with simple hides. Train them to retrieve these items on cue using their sense of smell.
- Search: While this is a command that many service dogs learn, you can train your dog to do something very similar. They can do a perimeter search of your home, sniffing for any sign that someone unwanted is in the house. Training this is a little tricky as it requires a dog to learn to search each room. Take your time and reward well for successful tries!

If you have an outdoor space where your Labrador Retriever is free to roam, you have a few new options for jobs that they can do. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Chasing Bubbles: Many dogs are eager to get some of their energy out. Blow bubbles in the backyard and allow your dog to snap at them. Encourage them to get as many as they can. Your dog will love this game even more if you get dog-flavored ones that taste good!
- Fetch: Retrievers are naturally good at retrieval which makes fetch an obvious choice. Mix it up with the types of toys you play with. You can even play this around water for a little added challenge.
- Carrying: For those who love to take long hikes, ask your dog to carry some of your gear. You can get a doggie backpack and fill it with water bottles and snacks. The extra weight will wear them out faster.
- Carry to Shore: Labradors are great natural swimmers. Head out into the water with a life vest on your dog and ask them to haul you out of the water. Give them a tug toy to grab hold of and swim whilep ulling your weight behind them.
- Hide and Seek: When your dog is engaged in chasing the trail of a scent, take a moment to slip away and hide. Call for your dog and see how long it takes him to find you. Only do this if your dog is an enclosed area or has reliable off-leash obedience.
Read Also: Do Labradors Behave Off-Leash? Off-Leash Training for your Lab
Training Games
Teach your dog to do a few new tricks with some of these fun training games.
- Red Light, Green Light: This childhood favorite is also great for your dog. Teach them to come, stay, and sit with a physical cue for a modified version of Red Light, Green Light. It reinforces their basic commands and improves reliability.
- Trick Training: Basic obedience is a must for Labs, but you can also teach them to do more advanced tricks: play dead, roll over, balance a treat on their nose, open and close doors, and more.
- Tug of War: Tug of war is an all-time favorite for most dogs. It teaches them to pick things up with their mouth, be gentle, and release on cue.
- Other Training Game Ideas: We recommend that you learn from the best, Dr. Ian Dunbar’s SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy, who created the first off leash puppy socialization and training classes.
Mental Stimulation for your Labrador
Some of the best jobs for Labs consist of using their brain to puzzle through things. These games will get your dog thinking harder.
- Cup Game: Take five to ten cups and place them upside down. Hide a very smelly treat under one cup and let your dog knock them over to find it. Chances are that they will get very fast at figuring out where the treat is.
- Clean Up: Instead of feeding your dog in their dish, take their kibble and toss it on the floor or under the table. They will have to use their nose to make sure that they find every last piece. Note that there may be some cleanup involved here and you may have to help your dog at first.
Interactive Toys
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your dog is give them something to occupy them during times when you are busy or otherwise engaged. These toys can make a difference:
- Frozen Kong Ball: Stuff your dog’s Kong ball with peanut butter or cream cheese and pop it in the freezer overnight. They will have tons of fun licking and letting it melt the next day.
- Puzzle Toys: Some dogs scarf down their food. Puzzle toys slow down their eating and encourage them to use their brain simultaneously – win-win for you!
Dog Sports
Competition is fun for both four-legged friends and their humans. Labrador Retrievers are great at many of the competitive sports that relate to physical exertion, but they are also smart enough to use their brains. Some of these sports could be a great fit for them.
- Agility: Many Labrador Retrievers love the thrill and novelty of agility courses. Tunnels, ramps, seesaws, poles, and jump standards are all great ways to engage your dog in a very physical way while also using their brain to puzzle through what they need to do.
- Bikejoring: Enjoy a day at the park with a bit of bikejoring. This is when you harness your dog to the bike and allow them to pull you along. All you have to do is balance and guide them along!
- Skatejoring: Skatejoring is also an option if you prefer rollerblades or a skateboard to a bicycle.
- Scent Work: Labs are excellent with their sense of smell and can really thrive in the world of scent work. Teach them to recognize certain scents such as those of a smelly treat and watch them hunt down the source of the smell. There are also competitions that time how long it takes your dog to find a given scent.
- Treibbal: Labrador Retrievers may also enjoy a rousing game of Triebbal where they try to “herd” a set of oversized balls (think exercise balls). Direct them to push the balls in the direction of the goal and time yourself to set new records!
Final Thoughts
Labrador Retrievers are a family-favorite dog breed, but they require a little knowledge of how a dog thinks and processes the world around it. These games will keep them busy and happy, both physically and mentally. A tired dog is a happy dog, so be sure to try out some of these jobs as soon as possible!
Related Questions
What kind of work do Labradors do?
Labradors are bred for hunting, but they can do lots of different activities involving scent work or retrieval. They are great service dogs, police dogs, and working dogs in general due to their high energy levels and intelligence.