These 20 stimulating jobs for German Shepherds will help your dog to be happy and healthy. Getting a German Shepherd is a big responsibility, but this guide will help you care for your dog correctly.
German Shepherds are famously high energy, and they love to have things to do every day. Many people love this breed, but they are not totally prepared to care for this kind of dog. You need to be sure that you have a plan to keep your German Shepherd busy so that it will thrive in your home.
What Were German Shepherds bred to do?
German Shepherds were bred to protect livestock and to be loyal. This breed was only developed into a protection dog following WWII. Today, German Shepherds serve both roles, which means that getting one of these dogs as a pet can be a bit of a challenge. Your German Shepherd will love you and your family, but they are happiest when they are working in a “job”.
Even if your dog is not working herding livestock or protecting your house, you still need to make sure that they are able to enjoy one of these German Shepherd jobs.
Do German Shepherds Need a Job?
German Shepherds almost always need a job in order to be happy. This is a dog that is highly driven to have a purpose, and they prosper when they are kept busy. German Shepherds love any kind of mental or physical challenge, and these kinds of tasks are easy to share with them.
20 Jobs For your German Shepherd
1. Running
German Shepherds love to go running, and if you are a runner, your pet can join you in your training sessions! This is a dog that can cover many miles in a day, and they will be able to keep pace with the average person jogging or running at a steady rate. Do make sure that your dog is old enough to go running. Young German Shepherds might suffer hip and back issues from being taken running too early.
2. Fetch
This breed has a high prey drive, and they are also loyal, which makes them very good at fetch. Your German Shepherd will be passionate about playing fetch and will probably be happy to play this game for hours if you let them.
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3. Hiking
Many high energy-dog breeds love to hike. There are things to smell, things to see, and lots of exercise to enjoy. Hiking is good for both you and your pet, and you will not regret making this one of your dog’s “jobs”.
4. Swimming
Swimming is a great workout for dogs. If you have a safe place in your area where your dog can swim, you should let them give this activity a try. Make sure that you check on the water quality at local rivers and lakes before you let your dog swim in them. Most county or state websites will update the information for these sites when there are water control issues.
5. Puzzle Toys
Dogs that are intelligent love puzzle toys. There are many kinds of puzzle toys, so you can find the kind of toy to entertain your pet. Many dogs love toys that force them to figure out how to open small compartments or turn the toy over until they can access a treat. This can be a great way to give your dog something to do on a rainy day.
6. Agility Training
This breed was practically designed to be the most agile breed around. In many cities and towns, there are dog trainers who operate agility training locations. You can learn to enjoy this sport with your dog while also entertaining them with new skills and physical challenges. Agility training can be something that leads to competition opportunities as well for you and your dog.
7. Obedience Training
Since this breed of dog is often challenging to train for new dog owners, obedience training is one of the best ways to keep your dog busy and to help you be a better owner. Obedience training is often recommended for German Shepherds of all ages, and you can keep your pet from getting bored and depressed. We recommend that you learn from the best, Dr. Ian Dunbar’s SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy, who created the first off leash puppy socialization and training classes.
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8. Scent Training
Not all dog breeds can be trained to enjoy scent training, but if your dog enjoys this activity, it can be a great way to keep them busy. Scent training can also lead to competitions for you and your pet to enjoy.
9. Tricks
While it might seem like basic tricks would not keep your pet busy enough to be happy, you might be surprised. German Shepherds love to learn new skills of all kinds, and they will be more than happy to learn any trick that you want to teach them.

10. Cleanup
When it’s rainy out, you might not be able to take your German Shepherd outside to go running or to work on obedience training, but that’s okay! You can teach your German Shepherd to put away their toys or to help you carry things around the house. This kind of simple trick training is easily reinforced, and it gives your pet a “job” that is fun for them to do.
11. Work to Earn Dinner
Another great way to make sure that your German Shepherd is entertained and kept busy is to divide dinner up and feed them in different locations that they have to hunt out for themselves. This game accesses all of your German Shepherd’s various instincts, and it will make them feel purposeful and engaged.
12. Protection Training
While this is not for everyone, protection training can be an ideal job for a German Shepherd. Many people get German Shepherds just for this reason. Protection training is a big responsibility, but if you want your dog to be able to keep you safe at all times, this is a good option.
13. Livestock Working
Some German Shepherds thrive when they are taught how to herd livestock. If you have the option in your area to take your dog to work with an expert trainer, they might learn to love this job.
14. Balancing Act
If you have a balance ball in your home gym or a balance board, your dog can learn to enjoy playing with this device. You can teach your dog to balance on this kind of item and reward them for increasing their time by being able to hold a pose while stabilizing their body.
15. Find It
German Shepherds have a really good sense of smell, so you can hide treats or other items that they care about all over your home or yard. Send your dog to “find it” and they will spend time looking for the things that you have hidden from them. This game also helps teach recall and other useful obedience skills.
16. Pull a Cart of Stroller
German Shepherds love to be helpful, and it can be really nice from time to time to have some help bringing things with you to the park or even out to the car. Training your German Shepherd to pull things with them can give them a job that they will love.
17. Carry a Pack
German Shepherds are famously high energy, but you can give them a job and also help to give them a workout with this skill. Simply get a dog backpack that fits a German Shepherd and then put items in it that you need to have carried on a hike, a walk, or even a run. This is a great way to help your shepherd feel included and to assist when you need your hands free.
18. Work on the Basics with your German Shepherd
When you need to find things for your German Shepherd to do on a day that you are busy, you can revisit basic training skills. Things like sit, stay, lay down, and working on recall are mentally stimulating and give your dog a job to do. This is also a great way to work on your bond with your pet.
19. Flyball
This is a relay-based game that is actually a fetching sport. Athletic breeds love this game and have fun playing it with other dogs. You might need to reach out to some dog trainers to get connected with a flyball group, but young dogs, in particular, really enjoy this sport.
20. Water Retrieval
This is another sport that herding dogs tend to excel at. If you have a local dog trainer who has a water retrieval pool, you can teach your German Shepherd to leap into the water as far as possible to catch a toy. This is a great way to engage your dog’s brain and also to teach recall and various other skills. You can also enter your dog in competitions for this activity.
Keeping a German Shepherd Stimulated Can be Easy
If you have a German Shepherd who really needs a job, you can use all of these various ideas to keep your pet busy. Feel free to use many of the ideas in this guide to help your dog to feel fulfilled and challenged. These suggestions will help you bond with your dog while also ensuring that your dog gets to do activities that make them happy.